To embody a new narrative of hope that tells and shows every
citizen of Guinea that they are seen by God
and indispensable to the work of His Kingdom.
Following the trajectory of Jesus' life to bring HOPE
To Show Up, Press On, Anticipate and Turn Over are the core commitments of Hope Ignited, and for us these commitments are nothing other than a practical embodiment of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In hearing our cries, God showed up, pressing on in and amongst us, even to the point of death on the cross, rising from the dead, opening up a new world of possibilities in the present and ascending to the Father, binding us to himself in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we might find the power, apart from his physical presence, to fulfill the mission that has been uniquely given to us to fulfill. It is this gospel trajectory that serves as the model for our capacity building efforts, and it is this trajectory that provides our work with a steady compass as we refuse to let the darkness of the world have the last word.

Hope begins by showing others they have not been forgotten. We are committed to not just caring for, but being present with those we serve.

Hope is courageously enduring in the face of difficulties and disappointment. We will not give up and we will not rest until Hope wins.

Hope, standing on resurrection ground, anticipates the world to come by working to align the present with God's coming future.

Sustainable transformation can only happen when locals take ownership of their own future. We are committed to providing a spark, but then stepping back and letting hope spread.