Hope for Guinea
By God’s grace, our trip to Guinea in November was an overwhelming success. Our goal was to accomplish three things – encourage and empower the local church through training, follow up on the land grant from the Guinean Government, and remind our brothers and sisters in Guinea of our commitment to their work, especially after the devastating Ebola outbreak.
We are excited to report:
Over 250 church leaders and pastors attended our two-day pastor conference which focused on the Doctrine of Evil and sharing the gospel in a Muslim context.
The Government has offered us a 7-acre piece of property for our training facility which will focus on training medical personnel, technicians, and pastors and church leaders.
Our time with our brothers and sisters was very encouraging, and we are excited that Guinea is now officially Ebola free!
Our New Training Facility
The Government of Guinea has offered us a piece of land for our ministry. The land is perfectly located about 10 minutes from the airport in Conakry. It is seven acres and has approximately 70,000 square feet of building space. Much work is needed to update the building and get it operational, but God has provided above and beyond our wildest dreams. Please pray as we look to remodel the facility as well as work with corporate sponsors and the ministry of education to provide certificates and diplomas for local graduates.
Primary School in Kindia
Thanks to your support, we were able to open a new, locally operated primary school in Kindia with 135 students, 80% of which are from Muslim households. The school is self-sufficient, but scholarships are still being made available to help those families that are unable to afford the minimal tuition. If you are interested in helping further, or in sponsoring a teacher or student, please let us know.
Rent – $100/month
Student Tuition – $12/month
Teacher Salary – $50/month